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The Master Bed (60m2) is the first unit to be built,
the pictures below are showing the preparation of the area
before receiving the prefab steel structural elements
to be assembled on site.
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Day One
The building site is ready,
today the prefab steel elements will be delivered
and we'll start building up
the first of the four units:
The Master Bedroom.
8.00 h
10.00 h
11.00 h
12.30 h
14.00 h
14.30 h
15.00 h
16.30 h
17.00 h
17.30 h
17.30 h
17.30 h
Day two
18.00 h
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Twelve
The steel shell is built and ready for wiring and pluming.
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Unit "C"
Master Bed Room, total Area 59,78m2
Layout do módulo "Quarto principal" 12,2m x 4,9m
e medições para orçamentar
a estrutura de aço e as portas/janelas
Medições para orçamentar as paredes
de tabuas de madeira (cryptomeria)
Parede 1
Paredes 2 & 4
Parede 3
All the structural inside walls and most of the furnitures will be built using euro pallets.
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to help visualize the interiors flavor
imagine to throw into a blender
all the pictures you find at the link here below,
the result will be very much like
what I have in mind for this project.
They call it "Rustic chic", I will add a funky twist.